Therapeutic Sessions Update

Revised on May 8, 2020**

Important Update concerning the office of Dr. Ebony White:
During this time overall health and wellness are paramount, and we want to reassure you that we are available to you. Therefore, in consideration of the recommended guidelines by the CDC, and the NJ Department of Health, we are moving forward to do our part to prevent the spread of Coronavirus/COVID-19, and protect our clients, employees, and the community.

With this is mind, effective Monday, March 23, 2020 all currently scheduled in-office sessions will be changed to Telehealth Sessions; and all future sessions will be scheduled as Telehealth Sessions until April 1, 2020 (**until further notice). We will continue to observe and evaluate the current climate as time goes on. Here’s what you need to know and do to ensure accessibility to our Telehealth services:

  1.  Check you email, and Client Portal often; if you have not signed up for your client portal access, we encourage you to do so.
  2.  A link will be provided to you prior to your session, simply click the link for your session to begin
  3.  PRIVACY…be sure you have somewhere private you can go for your session; sometimes that place is your car…Think About It & Plan Ahead
  4.  If you have a copay, you will receive your invoice on the day of your session…you can pay directly through the invoice
  5.  E-Mail / E-Mail / E-Mail…at this time our voicemail system is at capacity, and continues to fill quickly, therefore, we are encouraging email communication in lieu of calling the office.

New Clients Welcomed:

We want to reassure our community that we are ready and able through the offering of telehealth sessions, and flexible payment options for those uninsured, and under-insured; we are continuing to serve, and are accepting new clients. You can reach us directly via email to: to request your session with any of our clinicians; Dr. Ebony White, LPC; Dr. Michael Hannon, LAC; or Sailume Walo-Roberts, LPC.

You can also request an appointment online. Schedule Now

Finally, remember to:
– Wash hands often with soap and water. If unavailable, use Hand Sanitizer
– Avoid touching anywhere on your face with unwashed hands
– Be cautious around those who may already be sick, for their sake and yours; if possible, limit unnecessary interactions for the time being
– If you are sick, Stay Home, Rest, Recover
– Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing
– REMAIN CALM /  Do Not Panic / Meditate / Exercise / 

If at any point you require emergency services, call 911, or the Crisis Hotline  
Guidance Center-Camden County, Cherry Hill, NJ (856) 428-4357
Contact of Mercer County, NJ, Pennington, NJ (609) 883-2880